Mum Daily

Dr Justin Coulson PhD

I’m a parent... and I admit that I find parenting incredibly challenging. That’s how I got here. Like some people, I struggle with my priorities. Family first... right? Sometimes it seems that my work or other interests matter more than my wife and kids. Despite still not being the perfect husband and father, I am absolutely passionate about learning to be the kind of parent my children need me to be. And I’m just as passionate about sharing the science, the skills, and the heart that connect and strengthen families. Away from work I’m a husband to a wife I cherish. We have five daughters who give me endless opportunities to practice what I preach, and who I can’t cuddle enough. I’m a cycling fanatic, a Sunday morning church-goer, an avid reader, and a Type A guy who is trying hard to relax a little more.

Music and Morals

Our kids are, on average, listening to around 2 hours of music every day. Research shows that music is increasingly promoting drug and alcohol use, violence (particularly against women), and sexual activity. There is also strong evidence that the things our kids watch and listen to impacts their attitudes, moods, and behaviours. Our kids’ music

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Teen Break Ups

Teen love is cute, but teen break-ups can be brutal. The way we support our kids matters in the way they bounce back from break-ups. Sometimes we’ll be delighted and say something like, “That kid was no good. In a few weeks you’ll be glad it’s over.” Or we get annoyed at our children for

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Focus on Making Things Go Right

How much time do you spend correcting your children’s behaviour compared to the time you spend setting things up to go right? Most parents emphasise reactive correction over proactive preparation. That’s normal, and natural. We want to stop our kids from hurting, get them sharing, and point out their mistakes so they can learn from

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Understand Development

Sometimes our expectations for our children can be a little high. When we don’t understand their development we can become frustrated at them for doing what is entirely normal. For example, did you know on average, children don’t regulate their emotions competently until around 7 or 8 years old? So getting cranky at your 5

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