Mum Daily

4 Strategies to get your kids to help out at home

Ever feel like you’re ‘the maid’? Here are some common strategies for getting kids to help at home, along with a rating (out of 5) for how effective they are.

Refusing to do it anymore (0 stars)

Perhaps it works in some cases – but who can honestly live through it?

Yelling and Threatening (1 star)

If you make yourself big, loud, and scary enough, you can usually force just about anyone to do just about anything. But it doesn’t work well.

Nagging (2 stars)

It’s a softer version of yelling and threatening, but no one likes nagging, or being nagged – and it doesn’t teach anything helpful.

Payment (3 stars)

Paying children for chores is common, but research tells it may reduce motivation for those chores UNLESS the payment remains (and increases). Take away the payment, and you take away the motivation.

Democratic discussion (4 stars)

When families talk about responsibilities and each person takes on tasks willingly chores get done with less fuss and bother. Sure, some gentle reminders are needed now and then –  but we all need them!

And a bonus half star goes to parents who help out spontaneously while the kids do chores. It strengthens relationships, and children who were already willing to work get the bonus of having parents help out so chores are completed faster. And helping one another promotes positivity!

what your child needs from you
A practical manual for creating a connected family, What Your Child Needs From You delivers concrete strategies to help parents build meaningful relationships with their children.