Mum Daily

Annette Spurr

My name’s Annette and on July 29th, 2010, after working in Media & Advertising for over 10 years, I finally landed my dream job – motherhood! Now I have 2 gorgeous boys, Tyson (born 29th July, 2010) & Jack (born 22nd February, 2012) and along with my husband, I run a boutique advertising agency called Blue Box Media. Now, I balance 3am feeds with 5pm deadlines. I make cold calls and packed lunches. And I do business while cleaning up ‘business’ – the ultimate multi-tasker. I don’t have it all together… au contraire! But what would be the fun in that, anyway? Amongst all the tears and tantrums (sometimes my own), the busyness and messiness, it’s a great honour and privilege to be a mum. These are some of my stories along my motherhood and faith journey and in particular, the delicate balancing act that it is to be a working mum.

Remaining The Parent Through Children’s Public Tantrums

We have all been there; in fact you can read about one of my experiences here. As our children get older, theoretically the tantrums get easier to deal with, we can explain things more, empathise with how upset they are about not getting every single toy that catches their eye they become a little more conscience on how to behave in public.

Lunch Box Anxiety

I thought I’d be anxious about leaving my baby, about him making friends, about liking his teacher… but do you know the thing that freaked me out the most…? I’m almost too embarrassed to admit it…

Lunchbox Judgement. Yes, it’s a thing!

Through My Child’s Eyes

Nothing can truly prepare you for parenthood. The tears and tantrums, toilet training, sleepless nights, the worry that you’re not doing it right, or the indescribable love that changes everything.

All I Want for Christmas Is…

Remember the Mastercard ad? The one where the toddler is having more fun playing with the box that her expensive toys arrived in, rather than actually playing with her new toys? Well, according to this research, perhaps she’s onto something?

Dad’s Day Out

One of my most favourite things of all time is when one or both of our boys have a day out with dad. Partly because it means I get a day out with myself that usually consists chocolate, girly movies and/or pampering, but also because I notice a distinct difference in my boys every time they return.

Have We All Become Paranoid Parents?

It was a sunny Saturday morning, I was dining alfresco at a restaurant on a busy street, casually sipping my coffee when I noticed a little girl wander past our table and down the street. Her mother was deep in conversation and didn’t notice.