Mum Daily


The Gift of Gratitude

Babies are not born grateful and Toddlers are fully self obsessed, so the art of gratefulness has to be shown to your littlies. Gratefulness cannot be “taught” to your children, it is “caught”. So, be good models Mum and Dad! Always use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in your every day language, and insist on your children using these words also.

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Gratitude Journalling

Now my ‘quiet time’ is the period between when the boys go to sleep and I collapse into bed. My prayers go something like this: ‘Dear God, thanks that Jack is nearly walking. Actually, I need to get him some new shoes. I wonder if Best & Less is having a sale. I could get Tyson some pants while I’m there. Need to iron my pants. Got to increase my iron intake… Got… to… take… zzzzzzzz.’ Pretty sad, right?

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