Mum Daily

Quest to Solve Childhood Obesity

We need new initiatives to tackle rising obesity rates in kids.

Currently, about a quarter of Queensland children are weighing in as overweight or obese – and we’re seeing alarming trends when it comes to the health of Aussie families. More than one-third of adults and half of Queensland children eat unhealthy takeaway on a weekly basis.

Less than half of all children aged 5-17 years engage in the recommended one hour of physical activity every, and just under half are getting more screen time on TV or smartphones than they should.

A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and lack of physical activity lead to weight gain. Being obese increases your risk of a range of chronic diseases – including some cancers.

Cancer Council Queensland is supporting the joint Federal and State government move to fund a program aimed at curbing childhood obesity rates throughout Queensland.

The free PEACH program (Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health), run by the Queensland University or Technology, will support parents with overweight or obese children aged 5 to 11.

The program focuses on educating parents about healthy lifestyle habits for their children, including nutrition advice, physical activity recommendations and sessions about self-esteem.

We look forward to further information about the program, and monitoring its success in the coming year – and hope the findings will lead to the creation of new preventive health investments in the future, demonstrating the critical role preventive health funding plays in population health.

For more information on boosting your family’s health, tips to lead a healthier lifestyle by improving your diet, maintaining a healthy weight and ensuring physical activity – join the QUEST and reduce your risk of cancer via!

More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available at or Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20.

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