Mum Daily

Emotion Coaching

How do you react when your child is experiencing big emotions, or having some kind of an outburst, meltdown, or emotional moment?

Do you dismiss the emotions and say “You’ll be ok.”

Do you disapprove of the emotions and say “Stop being so silly.”

Do you ignore the emotion and hope it will go away?

There is a better way – and that better way brings great results. It’s called ‘emotion coaching’.

Children who are ‘emotion-coached’ by their parents regulate their emotions better, think more clearly when they’re stressed, and do better in school and relationships. Oh, and they’re also happier.

Emotion coaching relies on parents being responsive to their child’s feelings. Parents see emotions as a chance to connect, listen, and help. And parents use this teaching time as a chance to show empathy and set boundaries.

Emotion coaching takes a bit of extra effort, but the result is much happier, more confident, successful, positive kids.

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