Mum Daily

Easiest Parenting Advice Ever

Want to know the easiest way to give your kids a confidence boost? It’s the most sure-fire simple way to increase your child’s positivity and resilience.

Here it is… Enjoy them. Spend time with them. Let go of your agenda and be with them and listen to them.

That’s it.

Taking the time to savour the moments we have with them – to really enjoy our kids – is something that can only happen when we really, truly pay attention. It happens when we focus less on the doing and more on simply being.

When we take the time to be with our children we show them that we value them. They’re worth more to us than our phone, the dinner, and all of those other distractions that keep us focused on everything but them.

Kids spell ‘love’ T-I-M-E. Find a few minutes today and spend some of that time with your kids. They’ll feel better for it – and so will you.

Find out more about raising positive kids at

what your child needs from you
A practical manual for creating a connected family, What Your Child Needs From You delivers concrete strategies to help parents build meaningful relationships with their children.