Mum Daily

Are You a Helicopter Parent?

Helicopter parents are well-meaning parents who hover over their kids. If something happens, heaven forbid, such as falling over, fighting over a toy, or getting a bad grade, helicopter parents swoop in and do everything they can to make things better.

Sometimes being a helicopter parent is a good thing – in crowds, near water, or anywhere that physical danger exists.

But helicopter parenting when it’s playtime, sports time, or when kids are learning, eating, creating, and doing normal kid stuff can be bad for our child.


It teaches them to be victims, to wait for someone to solve their problems, and it undermines their resourcefulness.

It’s natural to step in and help. There’s so much at stake!

But to raise positive kids we need to take a step back and let them figure some things out on their own. If we do, they’ll develop resilience, and resourcefulness – and they’ll need us less.

Find out more about raising positive kids at

what your child needs from you
A practical manual for creating a connected family, What Your Child Needs From You delivers concrete strategies to help parents build meaningful relationships with their children.