Mum Daily

You Are Enough

I contemplated whether to share a snippet of my “real life” today, but then I thought, that is exactly how other Moms can relate. Acting as if I have it all together is the last thing I want to portray. For those dear Moms in my Bible Study, they have heard me say numerous times – “I do not have it all together, but thankfully I serve a God who does!”

These last couple of days I have incurred numerous obstacles. Things in fact that have inhibited me from writing, and I hate that. You know how it feels when you don’t get to mark something off of your 212 page to-do list. However, I realized in the midst of the chaos, I was literally doing ALL I could do. I couldn’t be two places at once. I couldn’t run all 47 errands in one day. I couldn’t have all the laundry done and put away. Then I felt God whisper deep in my soul, “Heather, you are doing all you can do, and that is ENOUGH. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” That dear Moms has transformed my thinking these last couple of days. We are enough, because HE IS ENOUGH!

Being enough always prompts an internal question – is change really possible? As much as I try to change one thing, another thing pops up. Then, that thing trumps the first thing I tried to change to begin with – yikes!! So, what is a weary Mom to do? I found my answer in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old has gone, the new has come!” The baggage of past enough is old news! I can be new today, and that is ENOUGH!

I don’t have it all together…but Real Life teaches me…God does!