Dear RedFoo, when I saw your latest Youtube video pop up in my Facebook newsfeed, I thought to myself ‘Hey, this will be another fun, quirky track.’ I was wrong, RedFoo and I can never unsee what I saw. I literally can’t even…
Referring to this track as a ‘comical party song’ (your words, RedFoo) is exactly what’s wrong with the world. Because YOU, RedFoo, represent a culture that believes demeaning women is ‘funny…’ and it’s not.
RedFoo, violence and intimidation against women is one of the biggest issues facing the world today. Many of us have experienced violence, or sexual abuse (far too many) and seeing it played out in a ‘comical party song’ takes us right back to that place. Where we felt helpless and voiceless and alone.
You have a voice, RedFoo. Any moron with ‘auto tune’ can make music but a true artist makes a difference.
I challenge you to donate all profits from this video to a charity that assists women who have been the victim of violence or rape.
And anyone who literally can’t even believe this song exists, please sign this petition by Collective Shout and make a difference!