Mum Daily

Time for a 2013 Inventory!

Inventory time!!!

What? Inventory time? Really? Isn’t that like July Stocktake? It’s December.

NO, the time is now sisters!!!!!  Around this time last year I wrote to all the women wondering “what the hell did I do with my year, have I achieved anything????”  (there were quite a few of you emailing me), and my friends, I told you to take a look back on your year and put pen to paper, NOT of your goals for 2013 but what you did well in 2012!!!!!  Hell, if you kept one small human alive you had a good year!   It’s easy to forget, in the fullness of life, the things you did, in fact, achieve.

Here’s a thought for you, one of the most valuable things we can achieve as humans is personal growth.  So sisters, put pen to paper and write down what personal growth did you achieve this year?  Your list of achievements may be miles long and that is awesome!, or you may have half crossed off one thing on your list of goals for 2013. Either way, what did you achieve internally this year?

Grab a piece of paper and write three columns.  Write down what you achieved practically (E.g. graduated that course, started your business, got fit) but also write down what you achieved internally (Eg. finally healed from that breakup).  Lastly, write down what you loved most about 2013.  It’s really important to note the things that brought you joy in 2013 so you can re-create and expand on them in 2014.

This year was a huge year of growth for me, I was thrown quite a few tests and had to dig deep and consciously decide I’m going to pass this test!  I had to choose to take the higher road and not engage.  When of course my flesh wanted to fight, retaliate and defend.

So what did you achieve this year?  What did you do well? Here are our three categories:

  • Practical goals achieved
  • Internal growth achieved
  • What I loved most about 2013

Here are a few of mine just to get you started…..

Hmmm perhaps there is a running theme here? Ha ha next blog maybe…..

Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback once you have done your list!   Send them to me! Here’s to an amazing December! Bring on the celebrations!…..

Em x