Mum Daily

September 2014

Are Mother-in-Laws Just Misunderstood?

A beautiful girl. A beautiful dress. Vows lovingly declared in a lush garden by a tranquil lagoon.

Then a lunch Reception on the water. Words are spoken into a microphone, toasting the Bridesmaids, reminiscing with the groomsmen… but as the groom thanked his mother, a thousand unspoken words passed between them. A gentle ‘nod’ and they both knew. There was so much more said in that moment than just a polite ‘thanks a bunch for feeding me and waking me up for school.’

Mind, Body, Now

When it comes to our day-to-day – it’s easy to get lost – lost in what we’re doing later, what we’re stressed or angry about – in our smart phones and social media. Learning new ways of managing difficulties can be useful for all of us, regardless of the life stage or the situation we …

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The Anatomy of Stress

Stress. For most of us, that word sends a shudder down our spine, and why wouldn’t it? Who wants to be under stress all the time? And that’s what it feels like for a lot of us, so what is it? Well, it’s a state of mental or emotional strain or tension, and my dictionary …

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Top Tips for Dads

The daddy who posted a video online, featuring himself on a date with his three year old daughter was in Australia recently as the Dads4Kids ‘Treasure Your Children’ Father’s Days Tour 2014 Ambassador, to pass on his tips on how to be a good dad.

Fatherhood Rediscovered

I confess – I love this time of year, spring has arrived, footy finals are upon us and so is Father’s Day. That one day of the year where you can officially be honoured and spoilt for being Dad (+ get some more socks and undies) and honour the men who have a Fathering role in your own life.

My House Husband

This week, I’m getting a real taste of life as a family in the 21st Century. Because this week, I’m bringing home the bacon (so to speak) and my husband is cooking it. And I’m loving it!